Thank you for visiting. I’m an author. I write fantasy, adventure, and supernatural fiction. I write about people going to new worlds, about pirates and dragons and witches and more.
I hope that you enjoy my work. 🙂
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Mei is falsely arrested and trapped in a corrupt prison world set in 1675. She awakens on a ship in the Caribbean, locked in chains.
The only way to escape this world is a loophole that allows you to buy your way out. But this happens to be the golden age of piracy.
Yo ho. Yo ho. It’s a pirate’s life for Mei.

Your support means the world.
It also means I can keep writing and producing better and better stories. Thank you in advance!
6,000,000+ amazing people support creators on Patreon. And more join every day!
I love deadlines. I like the wooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams
A place of magic and puns, friendships and love.
Meet a talking skeleton, a light-hearted fairy, and an evil enchantress.
And a heartbroken adventurer thrilled to be in a new world.

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Reviews can be left on the ebookstore where you purchased your copy, web fiction sites like Royal Road and Wattpad, or on Goodreads.