The following is a list of things that one can do to market a book.
- Author website
- feature your books
- collect emails for a newsletter, with free story reward for signup
- SSL and bookstore
- links to donation sites
- links to ebookstores
- SEO optimization for books, genre
- blog or review books by other authors
- list books/authors compiled from ‘Readers/buyers also liked’ from online stores and other sites
- request reviews
- media kit
- list of interviews, appearances
- Newsletter
- autoresponder asking for reviews
- announcements about new releases
- reminders of catalogue
- directions to social media discussion hubs
- Patreon
- Books (whole ebooks and in text)
- Discord signup
- advance content
- bonus stories or mature content
- special edition print books
- autographs, meet-the-author call
- Donations
- Patreon
- Ko-fi
- PayPal
- Social Media
- create author presence
- Goodreads Author Page
- Facebook Page, Group for fan discussions
- Reddit Page
- Tiktok
- YouTube
- DeviantArt (covers, fanart, short stories)
- eBookstores
- Amazon
- Author Page (can do for each region/language)
- Editorial Reviews
- A+ Content
- Smashwords (and all outlets it distributes to)
- Author page
- Amazon
- Amazon (ebookstore) Optimization
- optimize keywords and categories
- Info
- Publisher Rocket
- professional blurb
- Advanced Review Copies (ARCs)
- Netgalley ($$$, but discounts through BooksGoSocial and others)
- Edelweiss
- Booksirens
- Hidden Gems (wait list)
- Voracious Readers
- Book Review and Promotion Sites
- Kindlepreneur List
- Self-Publishing Review
- BookBub
- Publisher’s Weekly
- Kirkus
- Written Word Media
- Open Road Media
- Request Reviews
- In published books
- In online writing
- On website
- Review Contest
- To prevent incentivised reviews, contestants qualify simply by clicking a link to the review page, not for leaving a review
- Amazon Top Reviewers
- contact and reach out
- link
- Collaborate with other Authors
- Info, Info, info
- Blog Tour: appear on various blogs promoting book; targeted to genre
- Book bundles, short story collections
- Shoutouts for each other on social media and web fiction sites
- Ads for each other in book backmatter
- Write book together
- Shared email list and shared marketing
- Discounts in each other’s sites, books
- Shared AMAs, social media livestream, other events
- Group giveaway
- Writer collectives
- Competitive giveaways
- Social Media Influencers
- Contact
- Podcast and Interviews
- contact
- Post Work Online
- drive readers to become active supporters and buyers in the future
- Royal Road
- Wattpad
- ScribbleHub
- Tapas
- Tools
- BookFunnel
- Prolofic Works (Instafreebie)
- Story Origin
- Cover, Promo-Art
- eg. Stormcrow
- Publicist
- press release
- Reader Feedback
- solicit reader feedback on website, covers, books, ads
- Kickstarter
- must have established fan base
- used for new releases, special projects
- Offer Merchandise, Special Editions
- Etsy