A Pirate’s Life for Mei
Book 1
- Pressganged
- Swab the Deck
- Master Gunner and the Key
- What’s in the Box?
- Captain Fowler
- Jaguar
- Sniper
- Caribs
- The Boy with a Flower
- Another Gift
- Into the Fire
- Respawn
- The System
- The Devil’s Eyes
- Reflections
- Chasing Mei
- Justice
- Social Change
- Here Come the Marines
- The Hunt
- The Jaguar Eats Tonight
- Angry Volcano
- Jie
- Poisoned Words
- There are No Heroes Here
- Pillaging a Plantation
- For the Glory of Spain!
- Liamuiga, Little Huntress
- Speightstown Sugar
- The Spanish are Coming!
- Bridgetown Chase
- Poor Unfortunate Soul
- Cat and Mouse
- She Gets Knocked Down
- But She Gets Up Again
- It’s a Pirate’s Life for Us