
(If it’s too distracting with vocals while you read, play it after. Because it’s beautiful. Just like you.) Soulmates Life is a long, lonely journey punctuated by all-too-brief interludes of something more precious than we might realize: other people. Life has a lot to celebrate on its own, but it is the company of those …

Wisdom and Quotes - Inspiration and Motivation-233

The Best Relationships

The best relationship is when your lover is also your best friend. You can be yourself with them, and they still love you for who you are. 最高の関係とは、あなたの恋人が親友でもある関係だ。あなたがあなたである事を愛してくれる人達との関係だ。   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put …