Truth, Promises and Smiles
Always tell the truth. Use kind words. Keep your promises. Giggle and laugh. Be positive. Love one another. Always be grateful. Forgive. Try new things. Say please and thank you. Smile. 真実を語りなさい。優しい言葉を使いなさい。約束を守って、沢山笑いなさい。いつも前向きでいて、沢山愛しなさい。感謝の気持ちを忘れずに、許す心を持ちなさい。新しい事にチャレンジし、「有難う」と「お願いします」を忘れずに。笑いなさい。 This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included …