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How Do You See Yourself?

How others see you is not important. How you see yourself means everything. 他の人がどう思うのかは大切ではない。自分が自分をどう見るかの方が大切である。   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put them online so that others may share them as well. I hope this wisdom …

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Those Who Do Nothing are Evil

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. 世界は悪い事をする人達よって滅びるのではなく、何もしないで傍観する人達によって滅びるのだ。 Albert Einstein   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put them online so that others …

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Relationships aren’t Perfect

Never leave a great relationship for a few faults. Nobody is perfect, nobody is more correct. Including you. In the end, affection is more important than perfection. 良い関係を少しの間違いの為に捨ててしまわない事。あなたを含めて、だれも完璧ではないし、いつも正しいばかりではない。最終的には、愛情は完璧さより良い。   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put …

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Believe in Others

I’m a positive person who wants to believe the best in others. I like to help, to encourage people, and to make them feel good. 私は前向きな人間。他人の良い所を信じて、助けを惜しまない。他人を励まして、良い気持ちにさせる。   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put them online …

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Speaking of Others

Listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you. This is how they will speak about you to other people. How do you speak about others when they are not present? 他人について話す人の話し方に気をつける事。それはその人があなたの話をするときと同じ話し方だから。あなたは他の人の話をする時どんな話し方をしますか?   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The …

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Good vs Evil

A wise man told his grandson: “There’s a battle between two spirits inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness and truth.”  The boy thought about it and asked: “Which spirit wins?”  The wise man …

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Choose Happiness

I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness. 自分が感じる事は、自分が決める。今日は幸せを選ぶ。   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put them online so that others may share them as well. I hope this …

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Truth, Promises and Smiles

Always tell the truth. Use kind words. Keep your promises. Giggle and laugh. Be positive. Love one another. Always be grateful. Forgive. Try new things. Say please and thank you. Smile. 真実を語りなさい。優しい言葉を使いなさい。約束を守って、沢山笑いなさい。いつも前向きでいて、沢山愛しなさい。感謝の気持ちを忘れずに、許す心を持ちなさい。新しい事にチャレンジし、「有難う」と「お願いします」を忘れずに。笑いなさい。   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included …