Wisdom Quote - Inspiration and Motivation - 13

Everything is Your Choice

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It’s not your parents, your past relationship, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make. あなたが行う全ての事はあなた自身の選択によって行われる。責任を負うべきは、親、過去の関係、仕事、経済や天気、口論、年令でもない。あなたの選択する事は、あなたただ一人の責任である。   This poster was originally created for English as …

Wisdom Quote - Inspiration and Motivation - 8

Enemy and Champion

I am my own greatest enemy. I am also my own champion. Timothy Baril 自分こそが自分の一番の敵である、自分こそが自分の擁護者である。 バリ ティモシー This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put them online so that others may share them as well. I hope this wisdom …

Wisdom Quote - Inspiration and Motivation - 3


You become strong when you choose not to be weak. 弱くならないと決めたその時からあなたは強くなる。   This poster was originally created for English as a Second Language (ESL) learning tool for students in Japan. The kanji characters included are Japanese. I’ve put them online so that others may share them as well. I hope this wisdom will be both …