7 – Do You Have My Stapler?

Arwin rushed from the bus stop to the office building that his interview was in. Traffic had been bad and the bus had arrived a bit late. He nervously kept checking his phone for the time. He took the elevator to the ninth floor.  Arriving in a nondescript office space crammed with plain gray cubicles, …

6 – I Don’t Tip

Arwin arrived early at the bus loop and decided that he had enough time to grab a coffee before his bus left. Luckily, his favourite coffee shop was located on the edge of the loop. He had to swerve around a pile of manure in front of the cafe. A mounted police officer’s horse stood …

4 – Blue Screen of Death

The old timer frowned, then caught on and burst out laughing. A moment later the others got it too. “The naked fat guy!”  “The one mooning us!” Arwin nodded. “I’ll bet he has one. We’ve got to capture him and get a key from him.” He thought quickly. “We need a distraction. Something to keep …

3 – Blue Collar Slavery

Arwin fled from the blue bloods as fast as he could, heart racing from the danger and the pace, vaulting roots and gullies, swerving between trunks, and trying to find the most difficult terrain that might slow down the horses hot on his tail.  A thunderous crack sounded from above.  Arwin looked up into the …

2 – The Garden

Disheartened expressions melted away and both blue ladies beamed up at him with pearly-white teeth.  “You will?” Aoi asked, her expression brimming with hope. “But what of Lord Azamont?” Bleu asked, excited. “They are in his possession, after all. He’s the most powerful noble in the land. And the most dangerous.” At that moment, Arwin …

1 – Magic and Puns

Love is an adventure, so they say. You know what is also an adventure? Leaving the world you know and entering a new one.  One moment Arwin was racing his car through cattle-filled ranches and fields of golden wheat in his native prairie homeland. The next moment, he was off road, careening through a bumpy …