Poetry – Part 2


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Part 2

  • Her Bead Craft
  • Proposal In The Magical Forest
  • My Funeral
  • Creation
  • Sleeping with the Snake
  • When The Chrysalis Opens
  • The Library’s Jewels
  • Memories
  • Apple Pie
  • To All


Her Bead Craftbead_pearl_pony_beads_rainbow_colors

Mesmeric scene.

A dozen candles burn
Fiery ring
Emits warm scents
Each sentinel casting it’s eye
On the artist
Despite clear morning light
Beaming through the window
Refreshing dark green ivy and
Lush African Violets
A tired little teddy bear
Peers out the aperture
At the ladybugs at play on the sill

Bent in determination
Devouring her own concentration
At a worn wooden table
With a miniature loom
An indented painter’s pallet
Each depression brimming
With beads

Countless colours displayed
Every flavour, every feeling
Morning sky and night
Everything in between and below them
No larger than the head of a pin
Ninety six would fit on a rose’s soft petal

Blond tresses hanging
Around her elegant expression
She threads each bead
Stabbing it with a shiny needle
Collecting ten in a row
Sewing them
To the previous ten
The ten before that
And the tens before that
Onwards she stabs
Onwards she sews
While the sun performs
Numerous revolutions
Hundreds of rows form a strip
Fifteen strips form a masterpiece

So many tints and shades
Requires and so receives
Strategic precision
Meticulous calculation
Loving care

When done, she finally sits back
The muscles grudgingly relax
Brow like a tulip unfurls
She realizes just how tired
She really is

The fruit of her labour now lies
Atop her oak mantle
Above a roaring fireplace
The face of a Siberian Tiger
Watches protectively over the house

The tiger a guardian
For the woman who gave him life
Who gave him love and attention
As one would a lover
Who was there every day
Rain or shine, ill or in good health

Time, the most precious of commodities
Because mortality limits it dearly
She spent it en mass on him
He may return that love
In silence
But his beaded gaze never wavers
He is always as strong
As the passion that made him
He will never leave
Never betray
Incapable of negative emotion
He was only born with good

The fires of an imagination
Burning with passion
Fuelled with dedication
Let something wonderful
Flow through her clever fingers

To destroy is human, but
To create such beauty is divine



Proposal In The Magical ForestForest-Unicorn-magical-creatures-34131207-1280-800

Small boulders carpeted with soft moss,
Shaded under ancient trees that reach the sky.
Song birds sing sporadically in the boughs.
Blue appears amongst broken white high above.
In the center of that heavenly ocean the yellow sun doth lie.
An opening in the deep forest reveals a treasure,
A jewel of nature herself.
Diamond drops cascade down a waterfall,
Coalescing in a brilliant crystal pool.
In the pool’s center a stone rests cool and grey.
On a cushion of acorns and leaves stands a creature,
An otter, red brown fur and shining playful eyes.
A bobbing head and outstretched tiny paws,
Hold out a glittering object,
A gold ring with an enormous heart red ruby.
Behind the waterfall on the side of the hill,
There rests a once magnificent set of stairs.
Ancient and crumbling they permeate eternity itself.
When the stairs finally fall away,
The path steps into a garden of colors.
The bubbling brook that becomes the waterfall,
Follows the path into a maze of perfect hedges,
Each engulfed in fully blooming roses of a rainbow’s colors.
All around are animals at play.
Each kind in a pair, frolicking together.
Squirrels dance within the branches and
Sleepy raccoons wait for the moon.
Chatty bears make merry at the river’s edge while
Foxes tumble in a hollow trunk.
Cautious wild cats creep through fallen leaves,
Bearing white fur dappled in places with black and
Gleaming brown eyes with hints of smiles.
A small dog barks energetically and leads
Down the path it bounds, disappearing suddenly,
Startlingly birds into flight.
They flock and swirl around before heading for a cloud.
A clearing has found it’s way into the garden
Where two oaks grow magesticly.
They start as two then entwine and become one.
At their base bides a pond in which dwell many gurgling fish
Swimming under a canopy of radiant green lilies and
Two snowy swans drifting with heads together
Watching quietly is a noble buck with a grand set of antlers.
And a doe, her auburn fur rare.
In the middle of the clearing stands a man,
Dressed in white and kneeling.
His shirt is half open to expose the nakedness.
Of his heart and soul.
The ruby catches the noon rays glowing within it.
He rises and with pure joy playing upon his face,
He knows that with her presence here she has accepted,
His proposal.



My FuneralRIP-347-x-300

I am dead.
The last breath has escaped from these tired lips.
These eyes that have seen so much,
See no more.
Their vigil has ended.

My bones became stiff with the years,

Worked by muscles that faded alongside them,
Worn from the long journey that was life,
Walking, waltzing, running, climbing, falling, flying,
Always going forward.
Only the mind was able to travel backwards,
Where time had no meaning.
Knees were no longer able to bounce children upon them,
A back that bent with decades of wonderful memories,
Now rests straight on an elegant bed of oak.
Calloused hands traced with wrinkles,
Once strong enough to hold a grandchild high,
To spin and twirl the lady to whom I gave my heart,
To build a home to hold our treasures,
Once strong enough to hold you tight,
To sweep you away from danger and fright,
And carry you to safety,
Now lie powerless.

This body lies without life.
This heavy heart no longer beats with desire and love.
I can no longer kiss your lips,
And stroke your silky hair,
As we lie together in our bed,
Under the brilliance of the morning sun and our passion.
Your laughter can never again make me smile,
On those long winter nights and longer summer days,
Where we played and the children learned to live.
I infused my strength into your limbs,
I bestowed my humor into your laugh.
I gave light where before you saw only darkness.
Recall fondly my mischievous grin,
And the light that shone from the recesses of my eyes,
And how my head perked up,
When loved ones entered the room.

My life was my people.
The love of my children and their energy,
The passion of my wife in her embrace,
The strength of my brothers,
The wisdom in the hearts of my parents,
The fondness of friends in their companionship,
The adoration of my pets
I was complete because of your trust and faith.

Celebrate this day, for part of me remains.
From the earth we have come,
And to the earth I return.
The insects and animals,
Shall feast upon my flesh,
So that they might give birth to fresh generations.
My bones will turn to stone,
So that creatures will make of them a home.
The air I exhaled the trees breathed in,
As their roots now find prosperous purchase in my grave.

Even in death I am a provider.
My death gives rise to life.
I have spent my life in creation.
Creation of art and of thought,
Creation of life from my blood,
I now give rise to life that shall find nourishment in my remains.

I wish I could continue this grand adventure,
I can think of no more dignified a roles to play.
If I yet had a heart to break, it would break,
Knowing death will keep me,
From being with you.

With the valor I gave myself,
I was a champion in the trials of life.
I am a hero in the arms of death.
I am with you.



CreationRed Roses Desktop Background

The element of liquid life.
Fire from above
Collected in emerald veins.
Silken rubies bloom.



Sleeping with the Snake$T2eC16d,!ykE9s7ty!N4BRYVz,MTO!~~60_35

Curled coiled
Wrapped in fuzzy warmth
She lies amid pillows and
Cushions plush and plump
But flannel and down
Are nothing to the worn blue ribbon ‘round his neck
The silky hair on his sides
And the velvety touch of his old skin

He twists and turns
Loops and convolutes
In comfort and dignity
A soft escarpment shields
This precious treasure
From the cold hard world
His felt tongue always hissing
And painted eyes staring
Keeping ghosts at bay
And the monsters under the bed

He is the keeper of her affection
And the keeper of her dreams
As she drifts into the night
On the threads of her imagination
Over fields of fragrant flowers
By the light of a silvery moon
On a midnight mare

Her skin soft in the candle light
She surrenders to the embrace
Peace arrives at the door
Befalls her face in this enchanted place
Greeted with pleasant memories
Alights the fallen lids of her blue eyes
Sweet delicate breath
Gently blooms with a vanilla trace
Into a contented sigh

“Sleep without fear, my dear”
His thoughts caress her ear
And let The Snake keep all woe and worry away
Rest in perfect bliss
Time without you takes its winged flight
A picture of tranquillity serene
The Snake is watching over you
Trouble is vanquished this wearisome day
Only elegant thoughts are here to stay




When The Chrysalis Opensspring-gardening-tasks227

Winter shivers and sheds his white fur coat
A fresh season springs forth to wash over us
Those things once dead or dormant
Begin life anew

Slivers of green poke up through softening ground
Tiny buds have appeared and in warm sunlight spilt
Sap flows freely within renewed boughs
Flowers bloom and leaves spread
As the stream bubbles by unhindered
We can hear it gurgle with infant laughter

A wee nip within the air, an air of creation
Carrying a vitality and energy into the wind
Carrying the taste of pine, of snow mold, of cherry blossoms
Inciting memories of long ago, of embarking upon new journeys
Excitement fills the air like lightning from an April shower
Rejoice at feelings of freedom
And stretch untested wings
No longer are you hidden but unbound across the plains
Dive into a world of colour, fly into a world of emotion

The birds chirp songs of love and it twinkles in every eye
Mother Earth rises from her bed and we feel her soft caress
Spring breeze a new born baby giving a great yawn as he wakes
The last of winter melts away and trickles down bared mountains
Past a stirring bear and her playful cubs
A wonderful light shatters and dissolves the clouds
Nothing but a clear blue sky

Good morning, Spring.



The Library’s Jewelsbooks

Magnificent pages of lore,
Dusty tomes full of words,
Great works of literature.
By masters of verse, song, and sentence.
So much knowledge and wisdom,
Share the human experience.




A picture can be turned into a thousand words,
A thousand words can create a magnificent picture.
Many notes can be turned into a tune,
Many tunes can create a beautiful song.
Together, they are our memories.



Apple Piedreamstime_m_24341337-apple-pie

Warm steam drifts slowly up and out of grandma’s window.
Carried in that thin stream are delicious baked apples,
And the heavenly scent of cinnamon.
Our nose tingles as the steam reaches it.
Our senses react.
Mouthes water and eyes open greedily.
Soon that apple steam is the only thing we can smell.
We glance around to spy for watching eyes.
The foreign gate opens slowly.
We creep out of view to the window.
The sill and its adornment wait enticingly, tempting us.
Our arms stretch upward, blindly.
Fingers close slowly around the warm dish.
A quick lift up and it quickly disappears.
We vanish from the house.
Sitting in the darkness of shady tree,
The green grass of summer surrounding us,
We lift it hot and steaming from the pan.
The fruit and brown sugar sauce melt in our mouths.
And no matter how good it would have tasted normally,
So much the better it tastes for our ill actions.
Mmmmm, apple pie.



To AllHero-material-graphene

To all those whose presence banishes the dark,
Whose soul is stronger than steel,
Who make this world a better place,
Who give their friendship freely,
Who give their love,
Who stand up for themselves,
Who stand up for those who can’t,
To all those whom songs are sung about,
To all those with courage and humility,
Let the world be yours and you become the world,
For you are the good, the brave, the greatest men and women

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