Wisdom – Inspirational Quotes

The above list was originally compiled as a year-end package for graduating students for English as a Second Language (ESL) in Japan. The goal is to give them something deeper to think about that grammar rules and math equations, something that’s actually useful and builds character.

Giving this package out to students always got them thinking and appreciative. It’s one of the few handouts they got during the year which they actually fully immersed themselves in. Perhaps the only handout I never saw crumpled up in classroom corners and in trash bins. They’d sit for half of a class reading and highlighting the things they liked best. When I asked them to stand up and read their favourite passages, there were always plenty of volunteers.

I think we all need a little inspiration and motivation on a regular basis. We can do it for ourselves by reading lists like the one above, posters like this, and videos like this. But what a wonderful world it is when we make an effort to inspire others too. We don’t have to be teachers to do it. A little encouragement to any friend, family, even a stranger can go a long way towards brightening their spirits and giving them the will to succeed.

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